Notifications – Keywords
keyword | meaning |
{AccomodationCategory} | the number of stars of your accommodation |
{AdultsNo} | the number of adults coming to your accommodation |
{AdvancedPaymentPercentage} | Advance payment in percentage |
{AdvancePayment} | Advance payment |
{AgencyAddressNumber} | The address number on which the agency is located |
{AgencyAddressStreet} | The street address on which the agency is located |
{AgencyCode} | Agency code |
{AgencyCountry} | The country in which the agency is located |
{AgencyeMail} | Agency email |
{AgencyFax} | Agency Fax number |
{AgencyID} | Agency ID in Beerent |
{AgencyLegalEntity} | Agency Legal Entity |
{AgencyMobile} | Agency mobile phone number |
{AgencyName} | The name of the agency |
{AgencyOIB} | The agency OIB |
{AgencyPhone} | Agency phone number |
{AgencyPlace} | The place in which the accommodation is located |
{AgencyURL} | Agency web address |
{AmmountPerNight} | The price of an accommodation per night |
{AmmountPerStay} | The price of the accommodation per stay |
{AvailableUnits} | Number of available accommodation units |
{CancellationDaysBeforeService} | The minimum number of days prior to arrival when cancellation is possible without a fee |
{CancellationPercentage} | The percentage you charge in case of cancellation |
{ChannelCode} | The code of the sales channel from which the reservation arrived |
{ChannelID} | The ID of the sales channel from which the reservation arrived |
{ChannelLogo} | The logo of the sales channel from which the reservation arrived |
{ChannelName} | The name of the sales channel from which the reservation arrived |
{check_in_old} | Guest arrival date prior to modifying the reservation |
{check_out_old} | Guest departure date prior to modifying the reservation |
{CheckInDate} | Guest arrival date |
{CheckInTime} | Guest arrival time |
{CheckOutDate} | Guest departure date |
{CheckOutTime} | Guest departure time |
{ChildrenNo} | Number of children staying in the accomodation |
{Comment} | Comment |
{ExternalAmmount} | The total amount of the reservation charged to the guest on the sales channel |
{ExternalId} | Reservation ID on the sales channel |
{IsLastLevel} | Provides information on whether the unit is room level (the value will be 1) or complex level (the value will be 0) |
{Latitude} | Latitude of the unit |
{Longitude} | Longitude of the unit |
{OldAdultsNo} | Number of adult guests prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldAdultsNo} | Number of adult guests prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldAmountSum} | Booking amount prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldChildrenNo} | Number of children staying in the accommodation prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldExternalAmount} | Booking amount on the sales channel prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldOrderStatus} | Booking status prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldPetsNo} | Number of pets staying in the accommodation prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldPrice} | The price prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldQuantity} | Number of nights prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldTotalNo} | Total number of guests prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldTravelerEmail} | Guest’s eMail prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldTravelerName} | Guest’s name prior to modifying the reservation |
{OldUnitID} | Unit ID prior to modifying the reservation |
{Order_Id} | Reservation ID in BeeRent |
{OrderStatus} | Reservation status |
{PartnerIdOwner} | Owner’s partner ID in Beerent |
{PartnerIdSupplier} | Supplier’s partner ID in Beerent |
{PetsNo} | The number of pets |
{Price} | The price |
{PropertyAddressNumber} | The address number on which the property is located |
{PropertyAddressStreet} | The street address on which the property is located |
{PropertyCode} | The code of the property |
{PropertyCountry} | The country in which the property is located |
{PropertyID} | The ID of the property |
{PropertyImg} | The image of the property |
{PropertyName} | The name of the property |
{PropertyPlaceName} | The place name in which the property is located |
{PropertyPlacePostalCode} | The postal code of the place in which the property is located |
{Quantity} | The number of nights |
{RatePlan} | The rate plan |
{ResponseCode} | The response code |
{ServiceTypeName} | The service type name |
{SupplierAddressNumber} | The address number of the supplier |
{SupplierAddressStreet} | The street address of the supplier |
{SupplierCode} | The code of the supplier |
{SupplierCountry} | The country in which the supplier lives |
{SuppliereMail} | The eMail of the supplier |
{SupplierID} | The ID of the supplier |
{SupplierLegalEntity} | The legal entity of the supplier |
{SupplierMobile} | The mobile phone number of the supplier |
{SupplierName} | The name of the supplier |
{SupplierOIB} | The OIB of the supplier |
{SupplierPhone} | The phone number of the supplier |
{SupplierPlace} | The place in which the supplier lives |
{SupplierURL} | The web address of the supplier |
{TotalNo} | Total number of guests |
{TravelerBirthday} | The birthday date of the guest |
{TravelerComment} | Guest’s comment |
{TravelerEmail} | The eMail of the guest |
{TravelerFirstName} | The name of the guest |
{TravelerID} | The ID of the guest |
{TravelerLastName} | The last name of the guest |
{TravelerTel} | The phone number of the guest |
{Unit_Id} | The ID of the unit |
{Version} | Version |