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Kovotour Plus

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When the synchronization between your BeeRent account and the Kovotour portal is successfully complete, keep in mind that your accommodation units will automatically be displayed on this Kovotour sub-portal:

Connection request

If you want to connect with Kovotour Plus, make a request by sending us an email at with the subject: “Connection request for Kovotour”, and in the email please send us all the required information about the applicant :

  • Company name;
  • Brand;
  • Contact person;
  • E-mail;
  • Tel;
  • Website;
  • Office address;
  • Country;
  • Properties based in;
  • Properties min-max.

Introducing the applicant

BeeRent will forward the connection request to Kovotour Plus, as well as the Owner_ID of the applicant.

For new Kovotour accounts:

If you’ve never had a Kovotour account, this is the procedure after introducing the applicant:

  • Kovotour will contact the applicant and offer their cooperation
  • Kovotour will inform BeeRent that a new account has opened
  • BeeRent will create an API KEY of the applicant and send it to MagicWare
  • MagicWare will import all the properties, that will be visible on Kovotour Plus network and portals.

For Existing Kovotour accounts:

If you already have an existing Kovotour account the procedure is as follows:

  • BeeRent will send the API KEY to the applicant in the introduction email
  • MagicWare will import all the properties that will be visible on Kovotour Plus network and portals.


Kovotour will inform the applicant when the imported properties are listed and live on their network. This can be expected soon after the import is done, and when the contract between both sides is signed.

Note: Because of different systems and discounts calculation processes, there is a possibility that there will be a difference in the final price between BeeRent and Kovotour. In some rare instances, the final price can vary from -5% to 5% in difference from the expected price.